Orgulho em fazer parte desse momento tão importante para a literatura infantil e juvenil no mundo.
A Feira de Bolonha é a mais importante do mundo nesse segmento e a Fundação Nacional do Livro Infantil e Juvenil (FNLIJ), uma instituição muito séria e compromissada como a leitura e divulgação do livro em nosso país.
Cartas a povos distantes
Fábio Monteiro. Illustrations by André Neves.
Paulinas. 91p.
ISBN 9788535639094
Stories about the boundaries, the differences, but also about
the diversities united by the ocean: Brazil and Africa. Wars,
friendships, writings, mysteries, that are appearing among a
tangling part of letters, this ancient art of communication.
The world here and there. The author involves us in such
a way in his writing, we feel part of the story that unfolds
beyond the sea.
Shaded illustrations carry us to an universe of curiosity.
Playful elements give us clues to dive in the History of
different countries, linked by the passion for writing. (NP)
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